About Us

We are dedicated to helping high street butchers shops thrive during a very difficult period in butchery history.

Whilst numbers of butchers have declined over the last few decades those that remain provide absolutely world class products - of that their is no question.

The question now is can you be world class at getting your customers to buy them?

Whilst we are constantly told we need to be better at marketing and attract more customers that simply isn't true - it's a marketing myth - and used to sell the next shiny object that is going to transform your business - whether that is Google of Facebook getting you to buy ads, a web developer telling you you must spend 1000s on an ecommerce site, an agency that will get you 2000 followers - as business owners we are obsessed by bright shiny objects!!

As we have found over the last 10 years is if you become world class at turning casual customers into regulars your life will be the transformed (immeasurably).

Yes finding new customers is important we don't deny that but what is most important is polishing the diamonds that you already have - your existing customers.

So whilst you obsess about dry aging the finest steak, finding the perfect organic chickens or winning awards for your sausages and pies we are obsessing about how you turn more casual buyers into predictably loyal customers.

Let the numbers tell the story:

Let's take two imaginary butchers Steve & Sarah.

Both run identical shops and require £25,000 a month in sales to break even.

Average customer spend is £30 so they each need 834 customers a month (32 a day based on a 6 day week or 39 a day - 5 day week).

In January both break even.

Steve does nothing to get his customers but 30% return meaning to break even he needs to find 584 different shoppers to come in to break even.

Sarah on the other hand has a system in place that means 70% of customers return every month so she just needs to find 250 new customers.

Both do some advertising and for every new customer they attract it costs £10. So for Steve to attract enough customers it will cost £5840 whilst for Sarah it costs £2500

So for Steve to stay in business he has to do what 90% of business owners do - just hope the market is big enough and people come back or become a world leader at marketing.

Sarah on the other hand can spend her time, energy and money looking after the 70% that do return so she spends the £3840 she saves finding new customers to spend on her regulars and this increases average spend by £5 which means she only needs to find 152 customers in month 3.

And this is just the beginning...

Which ever way you spin it there is no metric that suggests getting existing customers to return isn't the best strategy for any high street butcher.

Who's business would you rather own?!

How Good Are You At Retaining Customer?

We've created a short quiz (3mins) to assess how good you are at retaining customers and at the end of it we'll send you a personalised report with top tips for improving retention

Email: info@butchershq.co.uk

Butchers HQ is a trading name of Cibatum Group Ltd Reg No. 11916176 Address 116 Hill House, 210 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 6NP

All Rights Reserved 2025